About me

Below are some bullet lists that summarize me as a human being.

A section that brags about my academic and professional achievement

  • I have a software engineer degree at one of Hanoi's biggest tech school.
  • I worked at a prestigious AI research institution of Vietnam. I worked in a small project that make the screen of an electric car talks with the driver.
  • I worked as CTO of an outsourcing agency making a quick buck dragging-dropping stuffs to make webapp.

A section that lists out some keywords in technology that I can understand.

  • Web Dev: I have been building web-apps since highschool. At first I worked with React because I am a hipster, and server-side rendered stuffs like PHP is, well, too outdated. Fast forward 7 years, I'm now a fan of HTMX.
  • Low-code/No-code: the fancy-pant name of the drag-drop builders that I used to use to build some web application. I had some luck working with those things and even had a small web-dev agency that works solely with LCNC, but in the end things didn't work out.
  • AI/ML: which was some thing that I took a dabble in for two years straight, but ultimately I decide it was just too much math. However, if needed I can still deploy some ML models.
  • DevOps: I learned how to deploy a two-node Docker Swarm cluster to run some open-source apps for my company. Then I ramp it up to setting up a bare-metal k8s cluster which is questionably highly-available. I operate a small homelab at home with a workstation PC, on which this blog is hosted.

...and then some other keywords too, but I don't want to brag about all I know.

A section that gives a few miscellaneous characteristics that I possess.

  • I like music. Rock music. Some jazz, too. Hip-hop, too. I like making noises on guitar. I can't even remember
  • I like cats.